Friday, August 3, 2012

The Abortion Debate From Austin's Yellow Brick Road

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you Chloe for your post regarding abortion here in the state of Texas. This is something I feel incredibly passionate about, but chose not to write about this only because I felt it would be a significant feat to undertake :) It really is sad that we have to have these sorts of conversations, isn't it? Much like the whole gay marriage debate, this is a question on whether or not it's alright to intrude on one's privacy. It's really nobody's business.

Chloe brought up a pretty valid argument, one that has always been in the back of my mind but I've actually never put a whole lot of thought into. How can our governor so vehemently support the death penalty but oppose abortion? I guess the thinking is that those who are on death row "deserve" to die, and a fetus is innocent and has a right live. I get it, but I strongly disagree with it. I really appreciated Chloe putting this thought down into writing though.

Another interesting point that Chloe brought up, one that I had never even considered, was the data regarding the siblings of teen parents. This is something that I have actually never heard. Apparently, siblings of teens who have a baby are at a much higher rate to become a teen parent as well. Not surprising, but still very interesting to me.

One thing I wish Chloe would have talked about was how taxing it can be for a woman to carry a baby to term she has no intention of keeping. This is something the pro-lifers could come back and argue, that if a woman doesn't want a baby she should just put it up for adoption after it's born. I felt like this was an important argument Chloe should have brought up. People don't seem to understand that it's not that easy for a woman to simply go through all the motions of being pregnant and taking care of the fetus she doesn't want. Especially if the women has been raped. But that is a topic for another day. Just some food for thought.

Overall, I thought this was a very good, insightful post. I really appreciated the two, incredibly valid arguments Chloe made, and the ideology behind her stance on the issue at hand. It almost makes me wish we were in a classroom setting so I could actually hear Chloe, and my other fellow students, articulate their thoughts into words, rather than writing.

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